![]() She is one that loves deeply and with that she can also feel the emotions of those she cares about completely. To recharge she needs to run free in the forest barefoot, so she can ground herself to the Earth that she adores. She is one with nature and sees the beauty even in the creatures that scare most. She is the wild one. Often misunderstand, but those that know her, adore her. The spirit of this dolls pretty much just happened. She was wanting to be brought to life. And all of her has so much meaning. Beginning with her sacred herb bundle inside her belly (pic below). When I began to look for the perfect herbs I received a clear message they should all come straight from this land where she has been created. Acorns had just fallen from the storm, so I collected one for her from the big Oak tree out back. I also found a small twig from the maple tree, then I took the herbs I had just dried a few weeks back to complete her bundle. They were comfrey leaves and flowers, mint, and rose petals. Everything within her bundle freshly grew this season. Acorns bring the energy of growth. Maple brings love, and longevity. The comfrey flowers and leaves bring in protective energy, and also the power to overcome obstacles. Mint connects her to the cycles of life, death and rebirth. And the rose petals bring in the essence of passion and love. Her beautiful peaceful, petite face just took form right before my eyes. The crescent moon on her head is a symbol of her being the master of time and a reminder that her spirit is timeless. The painting on her face symbolizes how she is connected to her primitive instincts. Her hair is beautiful, yet unruly, much like she is. And her crown is a symbol of femininity. She has no set style. She doesn’t follow the social norms. She is her own unique wild self and enjoys being just that. I dressed her in light purple to bring out the essence of her light-hearted, passionate and fun nature. And when you look closely at this wool you will see the many beautiful multi-colored threads through it. The mushrooms on her dress shows the connection she has with all of nature and mushrooms themselves bring good health and good luck. And last is her gray cape, this is a symbol that even a wild woman can be sophisticated. It brings the balance in her beautiful personality. Last is the heart that she holds upon her own heart. Within the heart is a beautiful mix of flower petals, a reminder of just how pure and beautiful her heart truly is. The stone on her heart is a Pink Girasol, this stone activates the Heart Chakra, it expands the aura and brings a deeper connection and communication with the Divine. It brings the energy of love into your life as well as peace and tranquility. And the rays around the stone are a reminder to always allow the heart to shine through. Even when your feeling like an outcast or judged by others as the wild woman often is. She is ready to be the reminder to someone special, to let that wild woman within you break free. And that when the heart is pure, your beauty shines from within.
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![]() She is the wise woman, the one that is all knowing. She will guide you in all spiritual realms and provide you with the insight that only a wise woman is capable of knowing. This doll was the results of the 4th lesson from the Sacred Familiar course I’m currently taking. For this lesson we were allowing the spirit of the doll to weave her face to life. I completely allowed the spirit of this doll not only to show me her face, but also to guide my hands with every part of her, including the colors she wanted to be placed on her. Very early on she made me aware of the fact she wanted to be blindfolded. By covering her eyes she is able to tap into her intuition on a deeper level, a lesson she wants to teach to others. It was also a strong sign from the dolls spirit to use my own intuition in all aspects of her creation, beginning with her sacred herb bundle in her belly (picture below). I began with mugwort, collected last year from my medicinal herb garden. Mugwort encourages flow, opens channels in the body systems and in our energy bodies. It cleanses, protects and heals. The next is worm wood, this herb increases psychic powers and is a great help in divination. Then a Bay leaf which is also known for is power to help with psychic abilities, which seems like the perfect goal with this spirit doll. White Oak bark is also included for its calm and peaceful energy. Sandalwood chips to ward off any negative energy, promote healing both emotionally and physically and enhance meditation. Blessed Thistle for its help with communication with the spirit world, and its joyful vitality. And last is a Shamanic Blend of sage, tobacco, cedar and sweetgrass, this blend was used as an offering of gratitude to the spirit of the doll. Now let's get into the meaning of her beautiful dress. I started with the gorgeous moss green color, this color is known for growth and renewal.. In the center of her chest is blue howlite crystal. This stone contains very positive and bright energy. It aids in interpreting things in a positive easy way, raises awareness levels and increases daily well-being. And last is the stunning Luna Moth carefully created on her dress. I allowed the dolls spirit to guide my hands with the colors that felt right. Although its not you actual Luna Moth color, as the dress color itself truly is a perfect color for a Luna Moth. I feel the colors created the perfect picture and energy for this doll. The Luna Moth, is all about hope and new beginnings. The Luna Moth and Howlite Crystal truly compliment each other in aiding the dolls owner to step into their light, and allow for renewal. The Visionary Doll is ready to bring all this beautiful energy to her forever home. She will guide you in your life, aid you in starting something new, sit with you during meditation and enhance your visionary abilities. ![]() She who connects us both deep within the Earth through her roots and high up in the Heavens with her branches. She is the portal to the spiritual realms, the tree of life. She is the source of life, a force that connects all lives, or the cycle of life and death itself. She is here to bring healing to whomever feels drawn to her. A teacher of self love and firm boundaries. Mother of Magic is my 3rd project in the Sacred Familiar Doll course that I’m currently working through. As soon as I began to read through the lesson I started to envision her. She was a strong force wanting to be born. And once I did the lessons meditation I had a completely clear vision of how to bring her to life. She began with her sacred bundle inside her belly, filled with yarrow for healing and love. Lavender for serenity and devotion. Chamomile for peace and calmness. And Sage to connect to the spiritual realm and enhance intuition. I wasn’t sure on how to create her branches at first and if my idea would actually work, but it went so smoothly. They sit upon her head perfectly with her hair wrapped around to hold them snuggly in place. Her roots on her dress and sleeves were time consuming but so very worth it. They depict how she connects us to all of things. And she offers you the beautiful little acorns that were gifted to her by the big oak tree in my back yard. Just as I was working on her there was a storm and the tree dropped a few branches, the acorns are still small and green, but they go so perfectly with her. Last is the adorable surprise that rests upon the Mother’s back, her sweet little sapling. The little one also has a sacred bundle of the same herbs as mother. Wrapped in a multicolored merino wool. This little one came to life so simply, and the pair are just breath taking together. May you find peace and love as you look upon them, I just know they will one day bring great healing to someone special. ![]() This gorgeous doll has been in the works for quite some time. For some reason I set her to the side when she was almost finished and just never got back to her until yesterday. Her little bouquet of dried roses sat on my work station for what felt like forever. I just couldn’t decide exactly how I wanted her to hold them and needed to finish the detail in her sleeves. She was started before I began making the sacred belly bundles, so there are no herbs or crickets within her. But she is still full of so much meaning and beauty. I feel she is the perfect reminder to take the time for yourself to feel beautiful. Wear the beautiful bright colors. Put on your jewelry, and buy yourself some flowers. And just like her, add a little sparkle to your everyday life. I was truly in love with the glitter in the multicolor merino wool used for her skirt. It’s a superfine wool and I really wanted the colors to stand out on their own, so I didn’t want to needle felt it to much to the point they would just begin to blend together. So instead I needle felted the top and bottom of the wool and allowed it to stay at its natural texture on the actual skirt. For some reason braids were just calling me with this doll, so first I attached one to her curly locks and then I made the braided belt. And when there was wool left from her skirt I decided to braid that too and drape it around her delicate shoulders. Her hair is naturally curly wool locks with hints of purple and pink through them. I’m a sucker for curls and think her hair is absolutely stunning. When I finally finished her yesterday I just sat and stared at her, she truly is a beautiful doll, a pure spirit of beauty and love and I’m sure she will bring that energy into your home if you decide she is meant for you. ![]() Oceanna has been such a joy to bring to life. When I began creating her, I had nothing specific in mind. I just knew I wanted to try my hand again at facial features. I allowed the spirit of the doll to guide me in the entire process, and it truly was an amazing experience. As her face came to life, she began to take on a personality so very unique. I was guided to try my new dark blue wool on her eyelids and I knew then her theme was meant to be the sea. That small little feature was the one that showed her pure spirit. Very quickly I began to envision an ocean landscape being created on her dress, a dress that still was not even started and I knew she needed long flowing sleeves, but was still unsure if I could create my vision. I then went to my apothecary and intuitively picked out herbs that just felt right to make her bundle that would be nestled in her belly. A picture of her herb bundle is at the bottom of this post. It consists of the following; mugwort, white pine bark, orange peel, juniper, ash leaf and ginger root. Each of these herbs have such beautiful spiritual meanings. Mugwort is one of visionary and its helps you find a greater self expression and a deeper awareness of self. White pine bark is a symbol of great peace, much like the ocean brings to so many. Orange peel helps to remove negativity and brings in prosperity. Juniper adds in purification and its spirit teaches us to stand our ground. Ash leaf helps with creative expression. And ginger root connects us to the spirit world. The essences of these herbs, along with Oceanna’s own beautiful spirit will definitely bring with her new owner healing, strength, connection and peace. Once her bundle was formed her body started to appear. The ocean scene just seemed to happen all on its own. At first I didn’t have a sun on her, but I woke in the middle of the night knowing the next day I just needed to add the beautiful rays of the sun. Then I went through my craft room finding the perfect little things to adorn her with. The shell and stars are so very perfect and the blue beads on her dress just make her sparkle. The pearl represents purity and the stone on third eye is a blue chalcedony, which is a powerful healing stone that balances the mind, body and spirit. Removing negative energy to allow positive energy to flow through. To make her even more special I finished her on my 50th birthday. I woke today not feeling well. One thing I know after years of dealing with autoimmune disease is that when I create I feel better and that was definitely true today. I felt her healing energy flow through me. Her smile brought me joy and her colors a calmness and peace that I very much needed and that I know she will bring to her new owner too. |